At the heart of our efforts, we envision a future where the Earth is universally recognized and managed as the collective treasure it truly is—the ultimate commons. Our aim with each Earth Commons event, is to build bridges between climate entrepreneurs, academics, technologists, funders, NGOs, and international public institutions to explore the funding and governance of nature’s commons. Our vision is to facilitate incentive alignment, cooperation, and accountability to steward the Earth’s precious resources in perpetuity, such as forests, fisheries, oceans, biodiversity, freshwater reservoirs, and other ecosystem services. Themes explored will include: - Leveraging emerging technologies and open science to respond to dynamically evolving challenges across complex economic and ecological systems - How we can better support open innovation ecosystems to address critical aspects of planetary thriving - Platforming efforts to mitigate our environmental footprint, including that of emerging technologies like AI and blockchain - Pioneering experiments in new mechanisms for co-designing solutions with nature - How to preserve the humanity and powers of storytelling to inspire global climate action and adoption of new principles - Solidifying feedback loops to drive future innovation and optimize impact evaluation Stay tuned, as we'll be announcing speakers and the schedule as soon as we have more information to share!
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